Be kind.
Whether you do Halloween or Trunk -or-Treat or Harvest Festivals or None of Thee Above,
Be kind when you see a grown-up person dressed in a costume.
They may not have a grown-up mind.
It might have taken YEARS to get them to wear anything but shorts, a tee shirt & flip-flops.
Be kind if it takes a while for them to say Trick or Treat
or something that sounds close to Trick or Treat or anything at all.
Be kind to the parents who are probably standing a little too close,
holding their breath,
Crossing their fingers it goes like they’ve practiced all week,
Hoping their kiddo doesn’t just go into your house and start organizing your DVDs,
Praying…you’ll be kind.
No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. Luke 11:33
Thank you for the reminder that not everyone's celebrations look the same from the outside!